
Why the right wing fears climate action (not because they're crazy)

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/14/2011 1:13:47 pm PST

One more comment on Klein’s piece:

Half of the problem is that progressives—their hands full with soaring unemployment and multiple wars—tend to assume that the big green groups have the climate issue covered. The other half is that many of those big green groups have avoided, with phobic precision, any serious debate on the blindingly obvious roots of the climate crisis: globalization, deregulation and contemporary capitalism’s quest for perpetual growth (the same forces that are responsible for the destruction of the rest of the economy).

Klein is the one avoiding the obvious. The reason AGW became significant isn’t because of “capitalism” (which again, I think her understanding is only a parody of what really is “capitalism”), but because of the “A” in AGW.

Only because we have 7 billion people is there a problem. If there were only 1000 people on the planet each person could burn as much oil and coal per day as they could find and it wouldn’t matter.

It’s Klein’s ideological blinders that become evident in this piece. Of course, her intention on writing such an article is indeed to to draw attention to herself (and her employer, The Nation) and in that she has succeeded (it is getting good coverage.) Yet … the irony of reading someone writing about others’ biases only to use that as a tool for the writer’s own ideology…
