
A very awkward video of Netanyahu congratulating Obama

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/07/2012 12:30:48 pm PST

re: #5 Destro

Luckily, I think Obama is above being in any way petty about this,

That is why “we” (and by we I mean nations in general) have professional diplomatic staffs that don’t change with elections.

Really awkward use of the word ‘we’. It’d be easier for you just to say it the way you did at the end— This is why nations have professional diplomatic staff that don’t change with the elections.

However, our diplomatic staff can only sooth over so much. While I don’t think that Obama is going to hold a grudge, Bibi still really violated a taboo by showing such favoritism in the US election. In addition, his alliance with the scary-fucker brigade of the Israeli left doesn’t make his administration very akin to Obama’s. In equal parts, the damage comes from Bibi’s stupid decision that he could paddle his feet in US politics and his alliance with dangerous radicals.