
Did TV's 'rural purge' of the late 60s early 70s influence the 'angry GOP base' movement?

Florida Panhandler12/07/2012 9:58:04 am PST

It is ironic that Normal Lear-produced hit shows featuring loud-mouthed anti-heroes were watched and loved by many conservatives. I remember my own father (a tax-hating, government loathing southern conservative) loved watching Archie Bunker.

I think one could watch a well-written show like that and identify with and champion the anti-hero even into the end of the show when they eventually get their comeuppance. (Remember Sammy Davis Jr kissing Archie anyone?)

Conservatives could ignore the overall message of the plot and revel in the ideology expressed openly on TV by someone like Archie, keeping their mind more or less shut, ignoring the overall message of the show. Archie was their Id on full display and they loved it.