
Samantha Bee Backs the Bus Over Donald Trump's Asinine Unconstitutional Order on Sanctuary Cities

Timothy Watson2/09/2017 2:15:40 pm PST

re: #32 lawhawk

One of these is violence against law enforcement.

LEOs killed in the line of duty have been dropping for years and are down sharply from the 1970s/1980s. Last year was a one-year blip with the Dallas shootings (much in the same way that NYC homicide stats are skewed by 2001 as the 9/11 attacks constitutes nearly 3k homicides - and the LEO death toll is skewed for 2001 for the same reason).

The widespread availability of bulletproof vests has helped in a huge and meaningful way, and cops are doing dangerous jobs, but they’ve been policing more people and are safer than they’ve been.

No, what this is is explicitly a rebuttal of the whole BLM movement, and the GOP spitting in the faces of minorities harmed by encounters with cops.

An important thing to consider too is the non-felonious/non-murder causes of death.

For example, a cop dying in a car accident while on routine patrol is included in those totals.