
Friday Night Quirky Pop Jam: Margaret Glaspy, "Emotions and Math"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷12/29/2018 3:30:25 am PST

I keep seeing the whataboutism derp from conservatives over Trump’s hat-sigining with troops versus Michelle Obama signing a copy of

Esquire magazine with her picture on the cover.

Those are not the same (aside from what was apparently screening since the Trump visit was blazingly white). Mrs. Obama was not signing campaign paraphernalia.

Trump’s stunt put enlisted personnel in a position of being prosecuted under the UCMJ (Article 92, Disobeying a Lawful Order—specifically, no politicking in uniform). The officers who allowed this travesty should be charged for conduct unbecoming an officer and if they ordered them to be there giving illegal orders.