
Colbert on Tucker Carlson: R. Kelly Just Got a Character Witness [VIDEO]

KGxvi3/12/2019 12:22:55 pm PDT

re: #50 sagehen

What he apparently doesn’t understand, is that aggressively pro-Likud voters are mostly Evangelicals. American Jews, on average, would prefer a leftier Israel.

Also American Jews, on average, are more likely to vote domestic issues than foreign policy. We’re super into health care, education, and environmental protection. Tikkun Olam.

The DC conventional wisdom is so incredibly fucked up when it comes to racial/ethnic politics. It assumes the most important issue for Jewish Americans is Israel, it assumes the most important issue of Latinos is immigration. It is just as bad when it comes to identifying the most important issues for African Americans, or Muslims, or any other racial/ethnic/religious minority.

And this is despite poll after poll after poll showing that most Americans care about the same thing: the state of the economy; health care; education; the world not blowing up and/or melting