
What Right Wing Racism?

Birth Control Works12/31/2009 9:14:55 pm PST

re: #48 Floral Giraffe

It’s really more of a “don’t ask, don’t tell” kind of situation.
They received 230 weapons, and this one man was 58 of their haul.
So, I don’t know that I would really call the program a success.
But, it did get some guns off the street.

I’m assuming most are *illegal* because legal guns could be sold—probably for more than they are getting in gift cards (maybe, they didn’t state the $$ amount of the cards). Some people also don’t know what they have, especially if they inherited the firearm. Yeah, I can see it being a good thing to get the illegal guns off the street—as long as they are really destroyed and not “used” for “political” purposes and end up in South America.