
ACORN CEO's Press Release

~Fianna9/16/2009 4:49:28 pm PDT

re: #356 formercorpsman

I don’t know what the breakdown of minority voting trends would be in national elections, perhaps going back 40 years, but it would not surprise me if there was not much variation at all.

Bottom line, sting or no sting, they were caught abetting numerous felonious acts, with what appears to be some foreknowledge of the subject.

Dovetail that with the other angles which present themselves, such as the census, I think this is going to have some pretty serious ramifications. His proposal for having underage girls is akin to the sex trafficking which funds some very nasty stuff around the globe.

Blacks used to vote very heavily Republican because it was the party of Lincoln and Abolition- until the 60s when the Democratic party started moving left and actually focusing on Civil Rights issues and the Dixiecrats fled to the Republican party and made the Southern Republican party all about guns, God and segregation.