
So Donald Trump Just Invited a Hamas Supporter to the Debate Tomorrow Night

Targetpractice10/19/2016 8:44:03 am PDT

re: #599 MsJ

Trump really views his presidential run as some kind of reality show where drama, controversy and “reveals” will win him the day. He may get ratings but I really don’t think he realizes just how bad this looks - even to most republicans. His making a mockery of the office of POTUS is not going to end well for him - and I think it will haunt his businesses for a long time to come.

At least I hope it harms his businesses…he deserves that.

Trump doesn’t quite get that the whole “run an election like a season of The Apprentice” doesn’t work, especially when he’s not the guy making the final cut, the voters are. And unlike most “reality TV,” this election is not scripted for a “big reveal” that will save his ass from the fire at the last minute. Come Nov 8th, he’s the guy who’s going to be told “You’re Fired.”