
Ben Stein Withdraws As UVM Commencement Speaker

Hhar2/04/2009 9:24:46 pm PST

re: #600 Salamantis

Hhar:A meme is a subjective experience: a cortical pattern, you say. And now the moon is too.

Salamantis:Well, it would have to be if any moonlight chanced to hit your eyes and signals from it ever made their way to your brain. You would be a subject having an experience; hence, a subjective experience. Got it? Naah, you’re not that bright.

Ummmm…my subjective experience isn’t the moon. My subjective experience of the moon is my subjective experience of the moon. The difference between the moon and the meme is that the former is something that is not a subjective experience, while the latter (you have said) is wholly a subjective experience.

If you really think that your subjective experience IS the moon, well, OK. I think that speaks for itself. Like I say: La-la land. Thanks for playing, but you are a brilliant example of why anyone with common sense distrusts naive scientism.

Naso Tang, no, I think ID is crap, and I think creationism is a religious dctrine devoid of scientific support. I also think brain dead scientism is silly on its face, and so is knee-jerk anticreationism.