
Daily Caller Editor Katie Frates Tweets About Her Desire to Murder Indigenous #NoDAPL Protesters

Franklin3/10/2017 11:42:53 am PST

re: #58 Blind Frog Belly White

You have a point. The other day I saw a comment on FB that horrified me, but which, sadly, didn’t surprise me. Someone was saying that he’d like to see literal open season declared on anyone crossing the border illegally, that citizens should be encouraged to just kill them, even have a contest to see who can ‘bag’ the most.

There’s a casual attitude toward violence against those who disagree, and honestly it’s very much a creature of the Right. A LOT of people on that side seem to think that use of deadly force is justified against those who would stand in their way. Makes it easy to understand how things like Nazi Germany happen - some percentage of the population WANTS it, while a larger percentage of the population doesn’t want to see what’s happening.

The weird thing about the comment was that it wasn’t on a thread even remotely related to immigration.

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