
More Advertisers Drop Beck

Walter L. Newton9/03/2009 2:58:41 pm PDT

Ok, the standard disclaimers… Beck is a nut, drama queen, fruitcake and I don’t even watch him. There is actually a very visible pathology to me that indicates an actually mentally ill person.

That said, what’s really up. Fox has not budged, the advertisers have move their spots, but they haven’t left Fox and Beck’s show numbers are going up.

Hmmm, I’m in the entertainment business, been in and out of it for over 40 years, I smell a marketing campaign which is working quite well.

In the least, it gets people to Fox, Beck becomes a lead in that possibly carries over the viewers to the next hour, Murdock is getting press all over the place and I don’t see once ounce of evidence that this is in anyway hurting Beck or Fox.
