
ISIS Bans Teaching Evolution in Schools

William Lewis9/15/2014 9:31:59 pm PDT

re: #57 Dark_Falcon

William, the post you are responding to is talking about Daniele Watts’ encounter with the LAPD after people called the police saying she was having sex with her boyfriend in a car in public view. At no time in that encounter did either officer draw his gun, that much is clear. It was not a lethal force situation.

The attitudes are the same though. The same people that put a black woman in cuffs simply because she’s “probably” a ‘ho is the same that shoots before asking questions.

I’ve spent a big chunk of my life trying to get the people who carry guns to ask questions before violating rule 3.

She should have _NEVER_ been cuffed. They were too close to those mistakes for my comfort as a trainer.