
GOHMERT! in Which Louie Shows Congress a Bizarre Kitchen-Sink Conspiracy Chart to Prove... Something

Bubblehead II11/15/2017 3:51:54 pm PST

Kid is lucky she isn’t dead. Top of the fridge isn’t a safe place to keep a gun.
Though I will say this, it DID have a trigger lock that “failed”.

I say “failed” because I will lay you odds it was either improperly installed or the fucking key was in it it.

UPDATE: 3-year-old shoots sister through arm with 9 mm | Girl released from hospital

Gough said the parents told him the gun did have a lock on it. Early on in the investigation they did not find a lock, but the sheriff later confirmed they found a lock on the gun and believed the lock was either defective or the boy was able to unlock it.