
Right Wing Blogs in Massive Fail Mode

zarsky999/14/2009 10:39:43 pm PDT


I have been a silent reader of your blog for many many years. I truly do not understand why you have difficulty understanding those whom are right of center who are honestly concerned with a very left of center Executive and Legislative branch over-reaching and threatening our liberties. All political groups have their ‘crazies’ but to demonize us all is just silly. I will still read lgf, but to be honest it has become tiresome as of late, due to an apparent hatred of right of center political thought when it comes to domestic issues. Thankfully, I am nearly 100% in agreement with you in regards to the war on radical islamic terrorists and even most foreign policy debates.

PS…I can believe in God and Evolution. I am curious of your thoughts in this area, since you have been posting relentlessly on evolution stories over the last few months.