
Robert Stacy McCain and the Fall of the Conservative Movement

Yashmak10/15/2009 7:22:45 am PDT

re: #55 Walter L. Newton

Not on a bet. The last time the Whig party started putting up candidates, we got Taylor/Fillmore, before that crazy George III. Looks like they are setting themselves up fro strike three.

Plutocracy and kleptocracy is the major problem in Washington, and there is nothing in your platform addressing that. The only way to address that is a total cleaning up of the system up there and the Whigs are not prepared to do that.

Quaint doesn’t equate to a strong political party.

I don’t believe the people involved in the Whig party at that time, are the same folks associated with the Modern Whigs (unless they’ve aged REALLY gracefully). When it’s obvious the current major parties aren’t prepared to clean up the system, maybe it’s time to start looking elsewhere.