
Video: Jive Dinosaur Turkeys

Sharmuta2/09/2009 12:22:06 pm PST

re: #619 Cato

Having said that, I am shocked and dismayed that there isn’t more critical analysis of the theory of evolution from actual scientists rather than religionists. A great scientist, when he comes up with an idea,
often hopes he is wrong because he will then be able to be certain about something. Confirmation of a theory is all well and good, but as I said before, confirmation is a weak argument. The proposition “All swans are white” was confirmed throughout Europe innumerable times for centuries until, low and behold, black swans were discovered.

You really think that scientists haven’t critically analyzed evolution? Evolution has been scrutinized for 150 years! And every time, it’s come out more validated, not because scientists are trying to prove it accurate, but because that’s where the evidence has led. That’s what good science does- it allows the empirical evidence dictate.

It is predictable- paleontologists can predict where they will find fossils, such as in the case of Tiktaalik. They predicted in what sort of rock from what geological age they would find the type of fossil they were looking for.

It is repeatable- Lenski’s E coli was a test on the evolution of that bacteria that was repeated.

It is falsifiable. Human Chromosome 2, had it not been found to be a fused chromosome to match the number of our ape relatives would have falsified evolution. As it stands, the chromosome is fused. Evolution stands.

Your false premise that scientists are engaged in a conspiracy to validate evolution when the evidence has led the theory to be validated without bias is just absurd.