
Live Video: Health Care Summit

garhighway2/25/2010 1:59:36 pm PST

re: #593 Walter L. Newton

I would say, in the over all scheme of thing, that point is more important than anything. It’s the whole reason that DC has become a three-class society… kleptocrats, plutocrats and autocrats.

Every politician in DC falls into one of those categories, and that’s what they are beholden to, not us.

I say that just because the just task is hard isn’t a reason to try.

Is the system a mess? Of course it is. Too much money is in the game. Do you have some thoughts on how to fix it? Love to hear them.

But this is today. We have the system we have and the Congress that we have. I say that trying to do some good is worth the pain and aggravation. I think BHO is trying to do good here. He may succeed or he may fail. He has and will make mistakes in the process. But better to try.