
The Texas Taliban

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/03/2010 1:11:33 pm PST

re: #598 Walter L. Newton

Let’s get back to your ability to diagnose schizophrenia like you did up tread, and your comments to me that “Now you are a psychiatrist.”

What credentials do you have to make a diagnoses of schizophrenia?

And you take that tact because you got your ass handed to you when you tried the first one. As I wrote earlier, schizophrenia has a definition.

To be violently deluded to the point that one can not accept reality and hold contradictions in mind without second thought is a form of schizophrenia - as per definition.

Do you deny that the people who are suicide bombers for Allah or who murder physicians for Jesus are violently deluded people who can not accept realities that contradict their dogmas and hence meet the definition?