
About Glenn Beck's Extremist Rhetoric

A.W.4/08/2009 9:54:49 am PDT

Um, look, i have only watched two whole episodes of the show and i just don’t find him very entertaining.

But, assuming all of these “conspiracy theories” are ones he really subscribes to (except obviously the fema camp thing), well, is it all that unreasonable?

Like controlling your thermostat. Is that really such a stretch? Let’s see here, right now in NYC, you can’t buy a cheeseburger filled with transfatty acids. The Federal Government put air bags into your car that never worked as promised, that will kill your children if you put them in the front seat and they have made it a crime to deactivate it without their permission (which is a major pain in the ass to get). The FG is about to put on emissions standards and mileage rules that will severely restrict your ability to pick a car to your liking. And how many communities have forced you to accept low-flow toilets and shower heads in the name of water conservation? In that context, is it so hard to believe they might also want some device that will allow them to mess with your thermostat, you know, for the greater good? I have gone to a very, very liberal law school and in those quarters that is not a radical idea at all. I would go as far as to give it about a 75% chance that it is currently being tossed around in some corners of liberaldom. You have to be singularly unaware of how far these kinds of busybodies have already pushed into our private lives to dismiss this idea as a fever dream. (And ironically these same people will insist that gay sex is no one else’s business.)

As for the stem cell thing. Well, let’s see here. if you believe a fetus is a person (and of course not everyone does), and if you believe that we are incentivising abortion by relaxing the limits on money for stem cell research, then yeah, its kind of a holocaust. Not to mention the rise of abortion to select out certain traits. There are a percentage of people who would abort a handicapped person if they knew they were handicapped. in China, for intance, girls are often aborted, and if they manage to live, quietly killed. Sometimes the more decent people merely leave them at orphanages. At Chinese orphanages, there are only two kinds of children: handicapped boys and girls. And let’s face it, there is a disturbing segment of the “pro-choice” movement that doesn’t even want to stop infanticide (as in death of a baby after birth), including a certain Senator from Illionois who later became the first black president. So in that light, if that is your perspective, i would say it is hyperbolic, but not grossly out of line.

I mean seriously, you are talking about the death of innocents, at least from the pro-life perspective. Calling it out of line to compare it to the holocaust is just silly.

And that is assuming that beck said all of that. it might be the case that like the fema thing, the person you cite got it wrong.