
Zombie: Anti-Israel Rally in San Francisco

karmic_inquisitor1/12/2009 2:05:25 pm PST

re: #589 Throbert McGee

Great work as always, zombie, but I disagree with one point in your captions:

I would interpret the “secular Palestine” language as a reference to the One State solution, rather than a hope for a secular Arab state existing alongside Israel. That is, the merged Arab/Jewish country will be “secular” only in the sense that it won’t be the oppressive Jewish Theocracy that these people imagine Israel to be. But if the inevitable Arab majority wants to turn it into an Islamic theocracy by vote, well — that’s their democratic right.

I am for the 3 state solution. We should determine that Gaza is a state separate from the West Bank. Then all of the issues about allowing transit between the two goes away (folks can go through Saudi Arabia / Jordan if they like). And the PA can attempt to form a civil government that people in some future generation might be able to point to as “functional”. Gaza, meanwhile, can be the Islamic North Korea.