
Ben Stein Withdraws As UVM Commencement Speaker

Hhar2/05/2009 2:18:50 am PST

Whoops sorry: forgot this:

: Yes, of course it would be rejected out of hand, and should be. What I was trying to say is that the eyes that would be cast upon it would be so jaundiced, and justifiably so, that they would dayglo yellow. So now you’re gonna criticize me for giving interventionary creationism TOO MUCH of a break?

No, for giving science TOO MUCH objectivity and TOO LITTLE common sense. Jumpin, you ARE naive.

Apparently, you either don’t understand me, or you don’t understand anyone’s humor but your own. Don’t feel too bad; no one else much gets your attempts at humor, either.

I’m primarily amusing myself and, I confess, succeeding beyond your dreams. I may not understand you, it is true. But then again, I might. The principle difference between us seems to be that one of us cares, and the other simply finds it all rather hilarious. The one of us who cares isn’t me. Why is this so important to you? It is utter nonsense, and obvious nonsense.

(Aw, cmon. The pulpit is all ready, there is your congregation all out there. Defensor Fidei, advance into battle!)