
We Got 'Burn in Hell' Mail!

SixDegrees5/03/2009 11:51:25 pm PDT

re: #625 Steffan

Ya know, ID = a very specific religion.

If we are forced to accept ID, we need to be forced to accept all those other beliefs, as well (“Congress Shall Make No Law,” right?).

Therefore, if we accept ID, we also need to accept that the world is flat and is carried on the back of a turtle. Plus that Apollo carries the Sun in his chariot.

Plus that the world is round, and we live on the inside of it.

Plus that space aliens care about our engrams.

Plus that…. oy. Charles, you’re precisely right to question these morons. They have yet to realize what they might unleash if they succeed in requiring religious beliefs to be taught as science.

Whose beliefs are we talking about here, hmmmm?

Let’s be clear: ID’s goal is not to reform science. ID’s goal is the establishment of a monolithic fundamentalist Baptist theocracy over the entire United States - for starters - and ultimately the world. They are precisely equivalent to the Taliban in terms of what they are striving to achieve.

They view the Constitution as an impediment, and would happily burn it at the first opportunity.