
Watch Live: Franklin County Sheriff Holds Press Conference on WDBJ Shootings

wrenchwench8/26/2015 11:58:34 am PDT

re: #56 piratedan

it’s simply fucking amazing that she’s still walks among us and I still am boggled that people would rather ensure that they can maintain the thrill of shooting the crap out of something rather than make this a safer place for us all. I guess the best categorization is mass-selfishness.

Saw a post over at BJ that what we need to end this shit is to actually force people that own firearms to actually be part of a well-regulated militia, that ensures that you show up for arms and safety training, that you actually work as a group to defend the common good, like a local national guard chapter based on a county level. If people actually have to do something to keep and maintain the privilege, then perhaps we can find out who really wants to have and secure firearms and who is just too fucking lazy to care.

imho, that’s a damn sight better than nothing, flawed as it may be….

Access to mental health help would also help people like Loughner and this, now dead shooter guy. It’s covered by Obamacare, and it should be free everywhere, for the benefit of all of us.