
And Now, John Oliver's Hilarious Take on the Bill O'Reilly Scandal

Backwoods Sleuth4/10/2017 2:23:50 pm PDT

About 35 years ago my flight from Midway airport to the Virgin Islands (with a stopover in Miami) had too much weight in the cargo hold (lots of mail, they said), so the airline (I can’t remember which one) offered $500 to anyone who was willing to wait until the next day. I didn’t take the offer because I lived an hour away from the airport and didn’t want to make a return trip.

When I was coming back from Scotland in 2005, we switched planes in Detroit for the final leg to Bluegrass Airport. It was a smallish puddlejumper commuter aircraft and, again, there was a weight problem. That airline (Northwest) elected to send our checked luggage on a different flight and delivered it to our homes the next day. (I live about 100 miles away from Bluegrass Airport.)

There are ways to handle stuff like this without physically dragging paying customers off an aircraft.