
Stephen Colbert vs. The Amazing Tariff Man [VIDEO]

Dangerman12/05/2018 12:55:13 pm PST

here’s a winner comment from disqus:

A treasonous, mobbed-up old thug and a porn model sit down on a pew beside: a man one or both of them have accused of being a citizen of another country with a forged birth certificate, a woman they have mocked, snubbed, and yet—-ironically—-plagiarized relentlessly, a man whose sex life they have used as a smoke-screen to obscure key details in the life of the mobbed-up old thug himself, and a woman they’ve repeatedly declared should be arrested and locked up.

And they got a cool reception.

Go figure.

i also read that in addition to the clinton’s, trump didnt greet the carters
class act he is