
WATCH LIVE: Joe Biden Speaks in Atlanta, GA

A Three Hour Tour10/27/2020 4:22:54 pm PDT

re: #31 William Lewis

Shrug. What an EO creates, an EO takes away. Biden needs 5 seconds to fix this.

Exactly. We just enact another executive order countermanding Trump’s executive order giving Biden the power to fire any civil servant to whom Trump’s executive order applies, no matter their party affiliation. Purge the Trump loyalists, then wait an appropriate interval, and then draft a new executive order reinstating the pre-Trump policies.

And when the Republicans complain, we tell them to “Eat shit.” They killed the rule of law. They went Jacksonian with reinstituting the spoils system and ignoring rules and court decisions they didn’t like. They turned the presidency into a virtual dictatorship.

We need to be willing to outbrazen the Republicans, to out-Mitch McConnell the real Mitch McConnell, to be as petty and vindictive as the Republicans, and not allow ourselves to feel guilty about it.