
Hot Air Comments of the Day

enoughalready10/13/2009 4:23:00 pm PDT

re: #21

I understand.
Redshirt and some others, imo, are not seeing what’s in plain sight in front of them. The GOP and many supporters are in a complete meltdown from sanity and rational thinking. And frankly, that’s a concern to me that’s bigger than what Matthews says about Rush, as vicious as it was. Rush can take care of himself. The GOP needs major intervention.

The problem is that right now the ground is laid down for people who use divisive rhetoric in order to increase their own power base. This can only lead to one thing: a balkanization of the party. If it’s allowed to continue unchecked I should say but nothing gives me any hope that it will be stopped anytime soon since there is no voice of reason that can be heard over the insane cacklers. Anyway. I had a point somewhere. What was it? Oh yes. This is bad stuff because regardless off where you lean politically a democracy can’t really subsist on the shoulders of one party. In fact this shows, very clearly, that the lack of diversity on the political front in US politics, is a major risk factor. In most other democracies (and I am not talking about the young ones with 27 bajillion parties) you tend to have somewhere between 3 and 8 political parties, sometimes with unclear ideological boundaries but certainly with distinct messages and core demographics. In this case, a collapse of the GOP is hysterically bad - even for Democrats since a working democracy requires that people have a choice. An actual choice. A real choice. But the problem here is that a lot of people won’t. Normal, sane people are running the risk of losing the ability to take part in the democratic process in a meaningful way since the nominations risk being hijacked by populists and finger pointers armed with “death panel” soundbites and with interests that are not aligned with the voters.

Something like that.