
Ward Churchill Wins, Awarded Princely Sum

SixDegrees4/03/2009 1:20:45 am PDT

re: #96 Charles

Doubtful. The third party they’re talking about would be an extreme right party.

Agree, but it wouldn’t be far right; it would be an extremist religious party, the American equivalent of the Taliban, attempting to ram fundamentalist Baptist religion down the nation’s throat.

The good thing about such a move is that it would finally flush a lot of the nuts out of the GOP, and allow it to pursue a true Conservative agenda that the majority of the country would openly embrace, and that the Democrats are in the process of co-opting. It might draw off enough votes to cost a couple of election cycles, but over the long haul it would be good for the GOP.

Meanwhile, Malkin and the rest can go off and natter about their Monster Raving Looney Party to their tens of followers.