
Limbaugh Stuck on Fail

zombie5/27/2009 4:18:16 pm PDT

re: #603 Alouette

Or, a transcript was provided from Sotomayor’s office.

Excellent point! HOWEVER, as was pointed out to me by the nice person at the Henderson Center for Social Justice, there are bizarre factual “typos” in the speech which wouldn’t have existed if the transcript was provided by Sotomayor herself.

As the most obvious example: In the original transcript, she says,

Sort of shocking, isn’t it? This is the year 2002. We have a long way to go.”

BUT the speech was given in 2001. No on would refer to a future year in a speech as being the current year. But IF THE SPEECH WAS TRANSCRIBED IN 2002 (which is when it was published), that was a natural typo to make. Which is strong evidence that a recording was indeed made and the transcript was written up from it some months afterward — and that Sotomayor did NOT supply the text herself.