
President of NOM Tries to Capitalize on Shooting Incident, Demands Free Pass on Hate

allegro8/16/2012 11:00:52 am PDT

I know I’m late to the party but I want to go back to Biden’s “chain” statements. I think they were totally correct and appropriate. Nothing racist about them. Here’s why:

Wall Street and our healthcare system ARE enslaving to Americans. All of us. Thanks to the WS bubble caused mortgage melt-down, millions lost their homes or walked away from underwater mortgages and trashed their credit. This means they can’t get a job, rent an apt, or even get car insurance, fer chrissakes. Others are in homes that aren’t worth what they owe on them so they cannot sell or leave, awaiting permission from their banker overlords to allow short-sales. All of these severely limit choices and opportunities.

How many people are stuck in abusive jobs they despise because they are locked in for their health insurance? They cannot pursue other opportunities or make choices. They are in a very real sense enslaved by this system that is driven by insurance company profits and greed. Obamacare will help (and already is helping some) but as long as we are stuck in employer-provided insurance, this is going to be a problem.

These are only two points but I think they illustrate the fact of modern day enslavement that has no color. I think Biden was dead-on and his analogy was entirely appropriate. Diverting the conversation to one of racism is just that a diversion from his point. It’s also a desperate seeking of the MBF to help them feel a bit better about their own racist hatred.