
Acoustic Guitar Excellence: New From Antoine Dufour: "Air Ground"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷4/19/2017 1:21:25 am PDT

Well, I need to hit the rack, I have a dine-out trip to Cheyenne tomorrow. Catch y’all later.

Wow there is really crazy stuff on the site that collects conspiracy theories. Left-wing, right-wing, torus-ring, libertarian-wing, you name it. I could get lost for hours there.

Assuming the posters are Americans (there is a conspiracy theory there that the St. Petersburg bomb attack was faked with pyrotechnics and crisis actors and fake blood), remember, they also have the right to vote.

Anti-intellectualism has always pervaded American political life. They now have the Internet to spread BS at the speed of light (which is probably also a hoax, I’ll have to read more).

Possibly the only good from eliminating net neutrality is sites like these would likely go off the air. (So would my wife’s site, linked in my name here, but her site is funny. These guys are just lunatics.)