
About That DHS Report on Right-Wing Extremism

Desert Dog4/14/2009 11:55:31 am PDT

Some on the extreme right are dangerous and should be watched. The KKK still exists in this country as do other wacko groups. But, I am in way more fear of crazy jihadis doing something stupid here than the racists and ultra-nationalist losers. Anything is possible in this day and age, but the biggest threat to our society is not a handful of rightwing nutjobs.

DHS Report

Some extremists might do this, they might do that, this may happen, or maybe that…….This a vague document and I question why it was released today? There is a political motive behind that. I am not buying into the lunacy from places like the WND and their ilk, but this is, IMHO, an attempt to further hurt the right by the Obama administration. If this report said watch out for Leftwing terrorists, it never would have seen the light of day.

This is a smear job, hyped my the MSM who got it spoonfed from the Obama administration