
Sarah Palin Applauds Brexit Vote: "The EU Is a One World Government Mini-Me!"

Blind Frog Belly White6/25/2016 8:50:56 am PDT

re: #635 HappyWarrior

Oh yes “Common-Sense” another thing that Palin made popular. It’s like they feel calling something just “common sense” makes it be.
I don’t think men should be married to men, it’s juts common sense. Or the stuff about the bathrooms. I asked my conservative friend how he can realistically expect the government to enforce laws on bathrooms and for them to know that some people are transgendered. He insisted “that you just know” and I told him how silly that was. Trying to get him to realize that a lot of his positions that he’s staking out aren’t limited government and individual rights based at all but are in fact a form of big government conservatism which does certainly exist and has long existed among people who think they are for limited government but the people who pushed Jim Crow fancied themselves Jeffersonians and Jim Crow was anything but the spirit of Thomas Jefferson’s philosophy. State/locality authoritarianism is still authoritarianism and in fact I will argue more dangerous than federal.

They clothe it in “Limited Government” and “Liberty” and shit like that, but really, what they want is government at all levels that will make the world stop moving forward. This desire to return to the 1950s? It’s really just because that was THE BEST TIME to be a straight, white, Christian man in America. WWII had been won, the rest of the world had had the shit kicked out of it, so we were booming economically. And we didn’t have to share, not with women, blacks, or Latinos. Women were in the home or in the jobs women were allowed to have. Blacks and Latinos worked in the kind of jobs we let them have, and lived where we let them live. We definitely didn’t have to worry about competing with them for jobs.

Churches told us how great we were, just for going to church. LGBT folks? Well, they were either completely closeted, or if not, you were allowed to beat them up with impunity.

Sure, most people were seeing their lives improve, but straight, white, Christian men were top of the heap.

Of course, they forget that the 1950s started with a war that we ended up having to call a draw, and ended up with people digging bomb shelters because they expected another war far worse than the one that ended 15 years previous. But that’s just details. Really, it’s that peak time for the straight, white, Christian man that they want to recreate.