
Overnight Open Thread

cliffster3/09/2010 8:42:17 am PST

re: #628 Obdicut

I’m sorry, but US Jews remember the civil rights movement, and, in the modern day, as I said, the dominionist movement and the Paulites are incredibly worrying— both of which are sourced in the Right.

Also, equating Jews with Israel is just not a good thing to do. Saying that US support for Israel is a ‘racial topic’ does not make me comfortable, either.

Purely anecdotal, but it seems to me like people in general are not necessarily aware of antisemitism and fighting it, it’s just not a thing for them. And that’s good overall, it’s best if there’s just not an issue. But it’s bad in the sense that it leaves the jackasses more able to do their shit without being noticed. Does that make sense?