
Trump's "Black Outreach" Effort Proceeds: He Wants a Nationwide Stop-and-Frisk Policy

Yeah Sure WhatEVs9/21/2016 7:00:03 pm PDT

re: #60 Bill and Opus for 2016!

I’m starting to get rather disillusioned with most of the polling firms out there.
None of the major groups are engaging in outright push-polling, but there is a level of either using unreliable methodology (IPSOS/Reuters using opt-in internet polling and LA Times/USC tracking using weighted percentages versus straight preferences) or completely dishonest sampling on who is polled (CNN’s recent heavily oversampling of white over-50s while polling so few under-35s that their percentages didn’t even show up) that even a ballpark bellwether is next to impossible to garner.

Polling firms are Moody’s and S&P before 2008. What drives their $$?