
Olbermann's Latest: A Plea to Trump Fans: This Man Is Dangerous

unproven innocence1/25/2017 1:46:42 am PST

Kaspersky Lab Top Manager Arrested Over Treason Charges - Reports
(c) Flickr/ Andrzej Cybulski
Russia 06:27 25.01.2017 (updated 11:23 25.01.2017)

Ruslan Stoyanov, head of computer incidents investigation at Kaspersky Lab, was arrested over treason charges, Russian media reported on Wednesday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Stoyanov is said to have actively cooperated with the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and his arrest may be linked to arrest of one of the FSB department heads, the Kommersant newspaper reported citing a source close to FSB.

Both Stoyanov and the FSB employee were arrested in December. Details of the case remain unknown.

They are a little slow getting this news out.