
Another Great Long-Form Exploration by John Oliver: Bias in Medicine [VIDEO]

Citizen K8/19/2019 11:47:18 am PDT

re: #64 Eclectic Cyborg

Right wing goons using algorithms to suppress opposing speech.

This is going to become a BIG fucking problem during the election.

The algorithms wouldn’t be this easily exploited if those that were in charge put effort into fixing them. And considering how long this has been a problem, it raises the question of whether those in charge actually see it as a problem, or whether they see it as working exactly as it should to them.

In other words, at some point, complicity becomes a more likely explanation than incompetence.

EDIT: Case in point, remember how Twitter and Facebooksaid they couldn’t be harsher in moderation on white supremacists, because if they did, their algorithms would pick up Republican pols in their net? Because clearly if they were elected GOP officials they couldn’t actually be racist?

Funny how that shit never seems to apply on the left either, they just give them the full fucking boot for shit 10% as bad.