
Outrageous Outrage of the Day

Rishonah5/06/2010 10:41:01 pm PDT

re: #641 LudwigVanQuixote

Please reread what I said. I have no problem with anyone celebrating holidays which are meaningful for them, whether it is Cinco de Mayo, or Pesach. What I object to is the idea that Cinco de Mayo (or Pesach) should be so important that it supersedes the right of Americans to wear clothing decorated with traditional American symbols. Apparently the schools, their parents, and society has failed these children by allowing them to grow up without understanding that we are all Americans first, and everything else secondarily.

In the same way that I do not expect the rest of society to adopt Jewish holidays, but to allow a reasonable accommodation for those of us who celebrate them, so I expect the same for other minorities. The principal thought that the sight of the American flag on what is, after all, not a traditional American holiday, would cause a riot on the part of the children of Mexican heritage. If you do not see the absolute wrongheadedness of this, then I cannot help you.