
GM CEO Resigns at Obama's Request

RockmanVermont3/29/2009 3:17:37 pm PDT

I disagree with auto bailouts because the “facts” presented for keeping them around seems rediculous. A common myth is that when you buy a Ford/GM/Chrysler is that you are “buying American”.This seems rediculous because since NAFTA,the big three have put a majority of their production plants in Mexico,and the plants in detroit require so much money to run(unions…) that the average cost of a car made by them is roughly 4-8 thousand dollars overpriced. And when looking at the competition,Toyota,VW,and Honda have plants in Tenn.,Georgia, and Alabama that have produced the majority of their cars sold in the US. I dislike the term “made in America” when assosiated with the big three because if you buy a F-150,70% of the parts are made out of this country,and assembled in detroit or elsewhere,and if you buy a Camry,60% of the parts are made IN this country,and assembled here.