
How the Privatization of NASA's The Learning Channel devolved into a for-profit channel pushing Honey Boo Boo

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/09/2012 11:54:08 am PDT

re: #65 Destro

And PBS can exist without CPC how?

It’d be very hard for it to exist without CPB.

Again: PBS is private. Repeatedly denying this fact is not helping to make your argument. Please deal with the fact that PBS is private. your main argument, that for-profit enteprises corrupt educational aims, is perfectly fucking good. Why you need to cling to the completely wrong idea that PBS is in danger of being privatized— rather than already being private— I have no fucking clue. It’s goddamn mindboggling.

Why not just say “Sorry, didn’t know that PBS was a private non-profit, thank you.” and reform your argument with the actual facts, instead of desperately trying anything you can to argue that PBS is not really private, when they really, really, really are? Then you can point out that the reason that PBS has remained awesome is that it’s a well-run non-profit, and that any attempts to make it a for-profit, like TLC was made, would be fucking terrible. You can even point to the increase in sponsorship branding as a sign that we need to fund PBS more.

What is stupid is continuing to insist we need to protect the already-private PBS from privatization.