
The Texas "Islamist Terror Enclave" That Wasn't

Justanotherhuman4/27/2014 11:18:18 am PDT

Wonderful post, Curious! I’m in total agreement with everything you said. I have only seen one Muslim that I could recognize by her hijab in this little conservative hick crossroads. It just doesn’t ever occur to me to ask about anyone’s religion, though, unless they volunteer the info, since I’m not interested in it myself, and it’s no indicator most of the time about how they think generally.

Meanwhile, my family and I are beginning to heal from the initial shock we suffered last week. Life does go on, and there are practical matters we must deal with every day, kids, work (my grandson missed an entire week and my granddaughter’s business also suffered), but we’ve pulled together to help one another.

We truly appreciate all the condolences people have expressed. Thanks to all of you for your kind thoughts over the past week. : )