
J. D. Hayworth: I Am Schtoopid

TDG21123/15/2010 10:59:15 am PDT

I remember this when my wife’s boss started passing out this stuff out back during the Prop 8 fight. The boss was from mainland China, and a real hard core Christian. We ran into her in front of a super market passing this out. I was pretty amazed she’d be doing that. So all the literature was in Chinese and I had to get my wife to help translate it.

For this argument alone I voted no on Prop 8. The more stupid and ridiculous the argument on a side the stronger my opposition. I went from not caring in the least to a total rabid foaming mouth advocate for gay marriage.

My wife had to work to keep me far from any of her Chinese co-workers/friends during that election cycle. I’d totally forgotten how homophobic people were in Taiwan when I was there (and I didn’t really run into too of it while I was there actually) I had thought (being married to my wife) that people with higher degrees from over there lost that characteristic. BOY was I wrong! My wife works with nothing but PhDs and MS (usually multiple masters degrees) people from Mainland China.