
European Fascist Parties Ecstatic Over Brexit Vote

Reality Based Steve6/24/2016 6:13:33 pm PDT

re: #659 No Country For Old Haters

They have their subculture’s beliefs, and will say and believe anything it takes to maintain those beliefs. They’re lying to themselves as much at they’re lying to the rest of us.

Most people aren’t rational at all. They just rationalize and lie to themselves and others in order to feel like they’re good and smart people without being good and smart people.

I’ve had to deal with the “(neo)Nazis / Aryan Brotherhood are actually liberals, because it’s the National Socialist Party, and Socialist are all libs.” argument.

I simply look at them, stroke my beard, and ask “So, the Nazis / AB are in favor of Mixed Race Marriage, Religious Tolerance and Immigration from non WASP countries, because they are all good liberal positions.”

Yea, I’m a dick sometimes