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iceweasel8/02/2009 5:07:09 am PDT

re: #671 Cannadian Club Akbar

See, since I have been out of work, I smoke more now. I also drink a hell of a lot more coffee.

From what I recall, it doesn’t work like the patch— you don’t have to totally go off smoking immediately. You can use e-cigs to radically cut down your smoking and then end it. i can’t remember. The rules are probably different because the nicotine concentration differs too, by country. Erik probably knows more.

From my friends’ testimonies, the great thing about them is that it provides all the same physical stuff, about inhaling, and so on.

But I know from the brief time I smoked that it was very psychological and physcial— it was an addiction to certain comforting routines, in a way.

This would be a hard time to quit for you…it’s one reason I’d suggest checking out the money factor. That might motivate you too. It’s such a problem, because smoking relieves tension, smokers almost always crave a cigarette with coffee, and being out of work gives you all this downtime and is one of the most tension-producing things possible. You’re in this real feedback loop. :(