
Bill Maher: Anti-Vaccine Kook

SixDegrees10/19/2009 11:28:07 am PDT

re: #62

I’m in a “high risk” group, and so I’ve already gotten my regular flu shot because my immunologist gets these sorts of things earlier than regular docs.

HOWEVER - the way the limited supply of h1n1 vaccine is being distributed - he will not be getting that vaccine. Not one dose.

In a bit of good news, doctors seem to be figuring out what it is about h1n1 that causes severe illness and death in some folks, and have begun figuring out how to treat patients.

Good news. Although I guess I’d rather not get the damn thing in the first place, rather than benefit from the knowledge of how to treat it once I have it.

Note to those attempting to rework how health care operates: vaccination is vastly cheaper than any kind of treatment. Period. End of story. There’s nothing else to see here.