
Tea Party Leader Mark Williams: The NAACP is a 'Vile Racist Group'

lostlakehiker7/14/2010 1:07:21 pm PDT

re: #19 LudwigVanQuixote

I want to vomit when I see crap like this. The NAACP and other groups like them (SPLC, ADL etc…) are good and just organizations that stand against injustice. While the NAACP has on occasion made statements that I do not agree with, anyone who doubts their mission overall, or the sad fact that they are still needed, marks themselves as clearly unhinged and racist themselves.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the contention that black people are people who should and must enjoy the same rights as any other Americans. Anyone who for a moment believes that it is a self evident truth that all men are created equal, must support that contention. To do otherwise is to simply be Anti-American.

There was an astonishing link posted earlier today.


Click on any of the sub-links and tell me with a straight face that there is no longer a need for the NAACP or that they have nothing to be upset about.

These vile, racist cretins have long ago dropped the pretenses of dog whistles. They have been shouting their hatred, fear, contempt and loathing of non-whites and non-Christians for some time. Yes there is some movement in their group to try to appear more respectable, but racists like this are not bright enough to get it, and they have been enjoying the new freedom to lash out for too long to turn back.

America is once again facing many of its ugliest threads and darkest stains openly. This was fanned pointedly by the GOP and Fox as a political strategy. This was something predicted here on this blog over a year ago.

We get to reap the whirlwind now.

Much good evidence, but some of it is thin. If blacks are arrested seven times as often as whites (one of the points in the post), and if they, like white felons, are then barred from voting as part of the consequences of a felony conviction, and this results in seven times the rate of vote-barring, the arithmetic suggests that arrests are correlating fairly exactly with probability of a felony conviction. The police are supposed to be making arrests on race-neutral grounds, and if they are, then the arrests they do make should lead to convictions as often with one race as with the other.

That is, the evidence on the topic of arrests, convictions, and voting denial is consistent with the hypothesis that it is actual higher offender rates, rather than police bias, that leads to the “7 times” figure.

From other sources, one can confirm that this hypothesis is also consistent with victim interview statistics.

The NAACP is needed, and for more reasons than fighting racism. One part of mission of the national association for the advancement of colored people is said advancement, and better schools and better guidance so that fewer folk drift into a criminal lifestyle would help there.