
Limbaugh Stuck on Fail

682 4:29:01 pm PDT

re: #620 Charles

Just for the record, and to keep this grounded in reality, the NCLR has posted a lengthy answer to the criticisms at their website: The Truth About NCLR: NCLR Answers Critics.

That’s good information to have, quite comprehensive.

Any association, however with MEChA is troubling to me; they downplay that association, and even admit that … “some of the organization’s founding documents, e.g., Plan Espiritual de Aztln, contain inappropriate rhetoric, and NCLR also acknowledges that rhetoric from some MEChA members has been extremist and inflammatory.”

But then they seem to go on to try to “balance” that with MEChA’s successes. That they would try to show balance as re: MEChA is something find troubling.