
And Now, an Amazing Performance on 12-String Harp Guitar: Alex Anderson, "Under a Starless Sky"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷2/23/2017 10:10:01 am PST

re: #661 JordanRules

A majority? You now think your uninformed theory extends from your tiny village to a possible majority of his voters? Wow. They are only watching those certain shows and consuming certain things for a reason. It’s willful.

They are racists, sexists, homophobes, anti-Semites, xenophobes. Deplorable! Willing enablers of the deplorables. The more you absolve them of this, let them play the victims and infantilise them, the worse it gets for their targets and for them.

And they have always been here. Wallace ran the same sorts of campaigns when it was much more acceptable and didn’t win outside his governorship.

I’m not absolving all Trump voters. I’m attacking the people who didn’t vote. The ones who saw no difference. And I am hardly infantilising anyone, nor am I “letting anyone play victim.”

Did you know the majority of my town’s adults have college diplomas? I am one of the least educated adults here.

And I am not just referring to my village. The pattern is repeated all across the country (there is a comment up the thread about someone driving across Kentucky and seeing a whole bunch of Jesus Saves and anti-abortion billboards, hate radio, &c). I can drive over a thousand miles and run into the same thing over and over. Propaganda is a helluva drug.

Unless and until the Democratic Party chooses to run candidates for all seats, all the time, we will be left in places like this with ballots that only have Republicans. It’s pretty much a fact that if you only have Republicans on the ballot, you can only elect Republicans.

“But I don’t have time” (yes you do if you have time to complain here you have time to serve on a school board or cemetery district). “I would not be good at it.” (Fine, you’ll learn.) “I don’t want to face angry constituents.” (Someone used that one here yesterday. Seems to be working fine for Republicans right now.) Every excuse under the sun except “I want to offer a different way by running for (name an office).”

The Democratic Party did not lose all those statehouses and town councils because the country is full of racists. It conceded without a fight.

Like it or not, we have to deal with the Electoral College. It will not be going away. Unless and until the Democrats want to fight for every electoral vote, they will continue to lose ground.

Run for office, or find someone who will.