
Overnight Open Thread

Ford_Prefect2/03/2009 7:44:56 am PST

re: #644 bellamags

ummmm - you said i was just like that bitch Snow White. I am not like HER - she is a bitch, she thinks she can sing and hangs out with too many dudes.

Don’t get me started on her singing. Ever since she showed up I have completely lost the upper register of my hearing. No living creature is supposed to hit notes that high. We don’t have a single piece of crystal left in this house, thanks to her. As for hanging out with too many dudes, you can’t really count Happy, he’s a little light in the loafers, if you know what I mean. Sleepy is asleep more than awake. Bashful won’t go near her. Sneezy is allergic to her. Doc kinda creeps her out, he is always asking to ‘examine’ her. And I just can’t stand her. I have no idea what she sees in Dopey.